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March 7, 2011 at 8:41 pm #100601
AnonymousInactiveMarch 7, 2011 at 8:41 pmPost count: 14413So I read the first few post and then some random ones but I couldn’t focus long enough to read them all. haha. but personally I have been a “chemical guinea pig” (that’s just what I say) for 3 years. I started on Ritalin when I was 10 years old but then as I got older the Ritalin became less and less effective. So then they put me on Concerta. I was on Concerta for 4 years and it was the best one but one of the side effect for me was depression. So then the doctor started to try others. Strattera to the maximum dosage for my body. Didn’t work. Dexedrine pass my maximum dosage for my body. Didn’t work. They even started to combine different meds. Strattera with a little bit of Concerta. I have been on Biphentin for a year and a half and it works the second best. but it also gives me depressive side effects. So I am on Biphentin and Wellbutrin, which is an anti- depressant that can also help with ADHD, to keep me focused and calm without making me depressed. I have to go and see a specialist to see if he can help me find the right medication combo for me. So don’t get too worried because you might have to find a medication that works for you and you might have to try a few before you find it. Good luck!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 8, 2011 at 4:51 am #100602
AnonymousInactiveMarch 8, 2011 at 4:51 amPost count: 14413Wow, Steph27…that’s quite a bit of work to figure it all out. So, changes are perhaps things we can look forward to? Well, I hope you find what you need…I know it’s not fun dealing with depression. Good luck on that and thanks for sharing.
Carrie…isn’t that something, you use to hate it and this time enjoyed it!!
It was my first day back at work after some time off and I was way more productive than usual…not perfect, but much better. The cool thing is I couldn’t even tell the pills were doing anything. One colleague noticed I seemed much more focussed when spoken to. Cool, eh?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 8, 2011 at 3:17 pm #100603Wow Steph! Thats a lot! Thats something I worry about… What if the meds stop working? Bleh!!
Bluesman – Thats pretty awesome! I dont notice them anymore, but can notice when not on them! haha
REPORT ABUSEMarch 9, 2011 at 8:16 am #100604
AnonymousInactiveMarch 9, 2011 at 8:16 amPost count: 14413The only reason that my meds stopped working was because I was on them from age 12-16 when they stopped working. it was because ADHD is all about an unbalanced brain chemistry and my brain chemistry was constantly changing then so I couldn’t find one that worked. So you pretty much don’t have to worry about them just stop working. And I also definately notice when I don’t take them either. but I don’t really notice them when I do but everyone else notices.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 9, 2011 at 2:17 pm #100605
AnonymousInactiveMarch 9, 2011 at 2:17 pmPost count: 14413Yes, I’m not really noticing them except a little bit with my 3rd dose, which is usually on an empty stomach and sometimes feel a little off. I notice when they are wearing off too…it’s the only way I know they do anything!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 9, 2011 at 4:30 pm #100606
AnonymousInactiveMarch 9, 2011 at 4:30 pmPost count: 14413zsazsa,
Since you are a teacher and you have a son with ADHD, I would like your advice, I’m scared to death to put my son on medication but he is having such difficulty in school and it seems like the teachers are just so frustrated that they really don’t care anymore. I see him trying so hard and now frustration is setting in because he is just spinning wheels. My son just started the 6th grade this year but has been struggling since kindergarten. I don’t even know where to start??? I went through a similar situation with my oldest daughter many years ago but her situation is complicated with other diagnosis and ADHD medication never really got to the point of working for her and til this day still no help for her. As a Mother the system is very frustrating and extremely time consuming, I feel like I just gave up trying at some point. I don’t want to get to that point again! Any suggestions?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 9, 2011 at 10:18 pm #100607You should watch “ADD and loving it?!” The medication is VERY helpful! Could turn things right around for him. If it is ADD its very very safe! Watch this video from this site! That should help you out!
I didnt take my meds yesterday afternoon and am not taking them today. I have about 1 days worth left until I see the doctor, plus I did the night shift last night and do another tonight!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 10, 2011 at 7:17 am #100608Im at work right now, and I was talking to one resident here who is hard of hearing and telling me how he can some people better than others and made me realized that I always talk a million miles an hour and then thats when I start to stumble and no one can understand a thing I say. I also find it very hard to project my voice which is good news to my husband and kids but difficult when I work with people who have hearing loss…
So im going to make a little goal for myself. I want to practice talking slow and pronounce each word perfect! Im excited!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 12, 2011 at 11:12 pm #100609Went to the Doctor yet once again! I am now on a long acting Ritalin (Ritalin SR) once a day (should last 8hours) and then 10mg Ritalin BID PRN to help finish my days. She told me to play around as needed to see what is right. She also commented on how well I have done this far without meds. Its true. I have learned to cope in some ways… She asked me if anyone at work has noticed a difference. I said no… But my biggest problem at work was not being able to focus on conversations… I would mask my zoning out with smiling and nodding… Later trying to remember what was said to me or having to ask again.
I mostly wanted meds to help me not feel so overwhelmed by silly little tasks and help put on blinders to carry them out. It has worked great for that! Plus, being able to listen to a full conversation and boring power points presentations has been awesome! Guess I should get dinner going. Need to go to sleep and do another night shift!
What have you been up to?
Have a good weekend!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 15, 2011 at 5:00 am #100610
AnonymousInactiveMarch 15, 2011 at 5:00 amPost count: 14413Hey there, been busy this weekend with family stuff. I also saw the doctoday. Im still on ritalin, trying 15 mg 3 X’s a day. May try concerta or SR next month. Am also playing with it. I barely feel different except that appetite is a little suppressed. Otherwise all is good. Let me know how the SR is working. Im cUrious. Later
REPORT ABUSEMarch 16, 2011 at 6:26 pm #100611I am going to go for Concerta next month. Probably 72mg once a day. That is roughly 16mg of Ritalin x3 a day. I am getting so confused with this Ritalin SR, plus 10mg BID!! I take the SR, and an additional 5mg when I wake up. Then I take another 5mg about 4 hours later. And then, need another 15mg to end my day since the SR lasts 8 hours! Ugh!!! SUPER CONFUSING! She said if I want Concerta I can, but she doesnt see why when Ritalin works just as well. But Concerta and Ritalin are the same! Well from all the research Ive been doing! So Im gonna give it until my meds run out and then go back. I have enough for this month, and then have refills for the next 2 months… but no. Im gonna ask for Concerta!
I now dont feel the effects of the med at all. I only know its worn off because I then seem to get very overwhelmed by little things and cant think clearly. Was I like this before? Or is this a side effect?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 17, 2011 at 3:27 am #100612
AnonymousInactiveMarch 17, 2011 at 3:27 amPost count: 14413Carrie, I’m going through the same thing already…getting use to the meds. I don’t seem to feel any difference anymore and am never sure if they’re working. I actually feel a little let down, as everything seemed so obviously better just a short time ago. Anyway, then suddenly i start feeling a little sloppy, maybe a little tired, but definitely losing focus (usually around 4 hours also). Now, today I started with 10 in the morning, took 15 4 hours later, and then took 20 mg another 4 hours later. Remember about 2 weeks ago when I accidentallly took 20 mg and I had a speedy caffeine buzzz? Well, it’s not doing that anymore. i felt so relaxed at bowling. But I did notice, I didn’t seem to care as much that I was bowling as good as a 7 year old…..not to dump on any 7 year olds out there : D
Anyway, I’m going to keep trying to find the right dose… from what I’ve read it’s the least amount that delivers a full effect….don’t know when I’ll know….
As per your “side effect:” yes, some literature suggests that people can have more of a rebound when the pills wear off… it’s like your old symptoms come back even stronger. This shouldn’t last long. It usually happens earlier on in treatment. Keep reflecting on it though, in case it does persist. Good luck.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 17, 2011 at 3:44 pm #100613Yeah that’s exactly what it feels like! My old symptoms coming back stronger!
Yesterday I think I over dosed myself again. Took my 5mg too early ugh!! It was HORRIBLE! It was ADD x100000! I had to drive my moms little Pontiac Sunfire, she has tinted windows and all this stuff hanging off her mirror. Shes short so had her seat right up to the steering wheel… I crammed in there face to the windshield! With the overdose, EVERYTHING got to me! EVERY little sound, EVERY colour, EVERY movement! So here I am crammed in, all these bright flashy things in my face, the sun in my face, the tinted windows blinding me! I was not happy! My husband was with me, I told him to get all those dumb decorations off the mirror, and I was very very cranky. I calmed myself down after I noticed I was panicking for no reason. Had to apologize to him. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t focus. There was just WAY too much going on! I took some deep breaths and calmed down. About an hour later I was OK again.
Today I MADE SURE I remembered the time I took them! Today I am sitting down and writing up a routine. I work in Geriatric care, we have to have everyone dressed, teeth brushed etc by breakfast, I’m going to do that for myself! Right now I don’t get out of bed until I HAVE to, and then I’m rushing around getting my son ready for school and I’ve been late! I’m going to use my work routine to help with my life routine and follow it! I’m glad I’ve done so many different jobs. Housekeeping taught me how to clean, being a cook taught me how to organize my food, workspace and cook, nursing, a life routine! hahaha If only my receptionist job helped me learn to how organize! hahaha Hey at least I can deal with complaints and juggle a lot of customers at once… Though that doesn’t help me in the home!
How is your coaching coming along?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 17, 2011 at 6:52 pm #100614Thanks for the updates, ive been struggling with deciding whether or not to get on some sort of medication and this kind of feedback is really interesting.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 19, 2011 at 7:45 am #100615
AnonymousInactiveMarch 19, 2011 at 7:45 amPost count: 14413Carrie, my ADD adult group is something else. Only my second visit tonight but it was very helpful, although a bit of work.
I felt like we focussed on glaring issues I had with organization for too long…then, after what felt like an hour of being on the grill, the others just said, “i totally relate to what he just said.”… It was so comforting to know I was not alone, so supportive.
Anyway, I’m back on 10 mg per dose, 3 X per day. It’s very subtle. I have to really be present to realize I’m different than I use to be.
On that note, I also had some messy days this week. Was it my poor sleeps? my daylight saving’s shift? My meds? I don’t know. A bit of a roller coaster and not everything was adding up. Now I’m trying to take my meds on an empty stomach, at least 30 min before eating, so that I can feel the full effect of the med before I estimate what dose is right. Gonna do this for at least a week and then up it if I feel the need. The last thing I want is to become use to a higher dose than necessary, given my propensity toward self -medicating.
I always appreciate your feedback.