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Re: ADHD Convention?

Re: ADHD Convention?2011-07-05T19:16:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other ADHD Convention? Re: ADHD Convention?


Shadow Nexus
Post count: 181

So, lets move on to next topic. What type of activities and when? Lets start with day weekends are usually good for most. Specific times for everything is not so good for us. Some events need to at a set time, but most don’t have to be. For our need to multi-task, some events should be run at the same time. So, we can switch around as needed.

We have round table discussions for small groups. Large lectures are to us boring.

Plays with our favorite failings.

talent showcase


So, the classes of events, what should do first to get people excited? general event order?

Also, central coast CA, USA. I know the area well. So, I could find the California event area where we can hold it.