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Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?

Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?2011-03-15T21:34:09+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal? Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?


Post count: 14413

This probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone, but I haven’t read each reply to your post (I just don’t have to the patience to say what I what to say after I read them – you know how it goes!)

I can totally relate. I am 41 years old and feel ridiculous about having such a hard time getting places on time. Time management is my sworn enemy. Also, I have a monumental amount of dislike for arriving places early. To arrive early, only to wait for something to begin must be what people in hell are forced to do. And I almost always think of something that I need to do 5 minutes before I need to leave. My next thought is, ‘if I don’t do this now, I’ll either forget about it completely or lose all motivation to get it done. I’d better just do it now.’

I also know what you mean about feeling like a joke. I hate it that people (who know me) expect me to be late, and I’m always proving them right. I can tell you this aspect, as well as many of the other aspects of adhd, has caused deep and sore wounds to my my self esteem.

On one hand, we need to be who we are. We need to stop comparing ourselves to our non adhd counterparts. However, we do have to make it in their world. How do we do both? I’m beginning to think it isn’t possible.

Currently, my situation is that I really need to get a job. But my fears about my adhd interferences hold me back. In fact, it holds me back in just about every aspect of my life. I’m so tired of not fitting in to the non add’ers world; of feeling like a failure..

All right. Now that I’ve said what I need to say, I’ll read all of the posts. I hope that I don’t find my post to be redundant in content. I apologize if so!