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Re: medicare and medicaid

Re: medicare and medicaid2012-02-15T03:35:38+00:00

Post count: 14413

Republicans are not trying to get rid of Medicare or Medicaid. I am a Canadian living in the US

(i can’t vote and when it comes to healthcare no one has a viable solution)

My concern is Obamacare. It will siphon off Medicare dollars and put in a form of socialized medicine

that will seriously limit the ability to access quality healthcare. The death panels are really treatment

guidelines that will enforce rationing of healthcare.

Seniors who depend on Medicare will find themselves with limited access to newer medications and will be

denied certain types of surgery due to age.

In terms of ADHD/ADD coverage Obamacare will make a bad situation worse.

Government needs to look at other options to changing healthcare that does not impact seniors and

the overall quality of healthcare

Miguel, Did you have any luck with pharmaceutical companies patient assistance programs?