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Re: Do you make up words by accident?

Re: Do you make up words by accident?2011-07-26T14:54:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Do you make up words by accident? Re: Do you make up words by accident?


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Dog lover here, so I don’t think the cat thing is ADD (despite the Puma avatar–gasp!) (BTW, now that I’m confessing, my name’s Dan, not Pete, just love the character). Though I did volunteer in a cat shelter when I was in high school.

The typing thing is definitely ADD-related. I think our brains (and caution, I’m about to say something positive about ADD), work a lot faster than normal people. They have this filter thing that slows them down. Wonder what that’s like. My wife is amazed at how fast I type, but its almost never error free. I usually over capitalize: “NOw and then..” I proof read (almost) everything out of habit now.

Relatedly, one of the most frustrating things is having to *wait* for a computer. Sometimes I can type something in a search box or field, and the text doesn’t show up right away. Usually because the site is loading an ad or something. I want to scream and rip the monitor in half. “I’m a human! You’re a machine! WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU!!” Makes you realize what Clark Kent feels like when speed writing an article.

Louis CK and CoCo on waiting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1CZTLk-Gk