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Do you make up words by accident?

Do you make up words by accident?2011-04-14T13:30:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Do you make up words by accident?

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    Post count: 14413

    yay for talking faster than one can think >_<.


    Post count: 14413

    Man. I am always invernting new words! Not that I can remeber any of them!! And I typoe all over the palce as I am showing by thois unedited post. My brain does not manage to cathc up with emy fingers or my finsgers go muych faster than my brian. Actually I think I meant to say that my brain goes too fast for my fingerts to cathc up so my speloing goes out the window. This is why I shpend so muich longer editing my posts than I do typing them in the first place!!!

    And I do what Carrie does with not being able to remeber the word I need at the time I need it, and it can get really embarrasing, especailly at work when I’m umming and aahhing and teying to remebr what it is I am trying to sya. Not very professional ๐Ÿ˜ณ


    Post count: 913

    I suspect you are my long lost twin sister I never knew about……….

    What is it about ADD/ADHD folks and cats?


    Post count: 14413

    Lol :D So nice to know I am not alone billd :D

    I have always preferred cats to dogs. I think it’s because cats are more independent, won’t let you forget they exist, and like to be on a more “equal” footing with their owners. I find that if we didn’t have certain reminders in place to help me, I would forget to feed our dog, because he just lies there looking into the window just hoping to be fed. The cat yowls under my feet and trips me up when he’s hungry, so there is no way I can forget to feed him! The dog is submissive and gratefully accepts any bit of attention he gets, but the cat will either take it or leave it depending on his mood. I like that. It seems to show more of a personality. And I just don’t like the smell of dogs, the way they lick you (ick!!), or their higher care needs (training, regular exercise, baths). Not that I dislike dogs – we do have one, after all – but they are just not in the the same favoured category as cats in my book.


    Post count: 14413

    Dog lover here, so I don’t think the cat thing is ADD (despite the Puma avatar–gasp!) (BTW, now that I’m confessing, my name’s Dan, not Pete, just love the character). Though I did volunteer in a cat shelter when I was in high school.

    The typing thing is definitely ADD-related. I think our brains (and caution, I’m about to say something positive about ADD), work a lot faster than normal people. They have this filter thing that slows them down. Wonder what that’s like. My wife is amazed at how fast I type, but its almost never error free. I usually over capitalize: “NOw and then..” I proof read (almost) everything out of habit now.

    Relatedly, one of the most frustrating things is having to *wait* for a computer. Sometimes I can type something in a search box or field, and the text doesn’t show up right away. Usually because the site is loading an ad or something. I want to scream and rip the monitor in half. “I’m a human! You’re a machine! WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU!!” Makes you realize what Clark Kent feels like when speed writing an article.

    Louis CK and CoCo on waiting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1CZTLk-Gk


    Post count: 251

    @pete-puma: Cracking up over your half-sentences! :)

    I’m sometimes amazed over how long after I’ve misspoken that the realization comes along. Like a full one minute, two minutes later –

    – BING! Hey, I think I said North Dakota instead of North Carolina!….Did anybody notice? And then I have to ask out loud what I said, which feels pretty stoooopid.

    So I’m sort of the opposite of the fast-thinking type; there’s a “processing-please-wait” that seems to be chronic with me. I suspect my brain has compensated for a missing pathway here and there with some really long, circuitous, through-the-woods trails: “Left hemisphere: Ten miles, be sure to follow the blue blazes on the trees.” But the thought does arrive eventually!


    Post count: 14413

    quizzical: that happens to me to. I’ve got two speeds, hyperspeed and windows hourglass. I have literally smacked my head in front of people, trying to get the word to come out. Ahh, ADD, the cure for social graces.


    Post count: 14413

    Quizzical, I have both speeds. When I am typing (like on here) I have already got a thousand thoughts and comments whizzing through my brain that have occurred while reading other people’s posts and I have to try and get them written down before they disappear into the ether. But speaking in response to a conversation that I haven’t had time to process will get me the circuitous thought processes every time! I think that the added pressure of knowing there is someone waiting on my reply just makes it all the worse. On a forum, or writing an email, it leaves the time for reply much more open ended. Nobody even knows I have started to “talk” until my complete post/email is sent, so the pressure is not on to say something within a set time frame. But I hate the chat feature on things, because that’s immediate, and very interrupting!! Nothing like trying to reply to a post and having a chat box pop up and interrupt my train of thought ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Interestingly enough, I don’t tend to pick up my own spoken errors, but will zero in on anyone else’s as if they’re highlighted in fluorescent green!! I am slowly learning that people don’t appreciate me correcting them each and every time they blunder ๐Ÿ˜‰ Especially my hubby ๐Ÿ™„


    Post count: 14413

    Pete-puma, I have had thet type too fast for the computer thing happen too! It always has me searching furiously over the page to check that I am not typing in some other place than where I am intending to type – that’s happened a few times (eg. I have busily started typing a letter into the address bar of an email ๐Ÿ˜ณ ). I also tend to push the wrong button and post before I am intending to, or do some other weird thing that takes me forever to correct because I don’t quite know what I have done! I pushed F1 once, instead of escape, on a particular screen of the work computer, and ended up printing the entire directory of patients in our hospital instead of just those on our ward. Ooops!!


    Post count: 14413

    KrazyKat: I absolutely hate chat for that reason. I turn it off at work, where people use it in lieu of email/phone. When someone asks, “Ooops, sorry, I forgot to turn it on. [and I’ll keep forgetting until you fire me for it…]

    One of my favorite quotes from long ago: “A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history-with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.” -Mitch Ratcliff


    Post count: 14413

    I am a touch typist and really fast (fast mind too, thanks to ADD), but I absolutely HATE chat. Like Krazy Kat, I can’t stand something popping up when I am trying to think and type at the same time. What it really feels like is everyone talking at the same time. It really makes me CRAZY!


    Post count: 913

    pete I can relate! I avoid “chat rooms” and disable chat at work (also for security reasons, etc.)

    Email is good – give me time to think and make corrections, although my impulsiveness means I send unfinished messages a lot!

    I switch things around a lot because of the reasons mentioned – my hand is pounding out words, even inserting spaces before it’s time.

    Examp lewould be……… ;-)


    Post count: 251

    Another one here with a chat allergy!

    Forum posts are far more my speed, and, when I’m really on a roll, the zillion-word blog post! Maybe sometime I’ll post my blog address here, but I’m guessing most of my blog entries are far too long and would tax the patience of most of you! Not to mention I’ve not been keeping it up, mostly because of all the obsessing over ADD I’ve been doing lately. Maybe now I can get back to it, because it’s a great outlet!

    Today’s new word was “waundry” – combination of wash and laundry. Sounded like Elmer Fudd!


    Post count: 913

    ..as long as you don’t tell us you hunt wabbits……..


    Post count: 226

    Fun sucker and mispronouncing words is one of my best traits. Fun sucker became popular. Wollymart-Wallmart, and other words.

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