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Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers

Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers2012-11-02T18:48:57+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers


Post count: 14413


Thanks for that. I’m a bit blown away to be honest! Can’t take it all in, but generally, instinctively, I know my friend is wrong. We’ll just have to agree to disagree! I’m reading as much as I can and trying to get my head round it all. In the UK, the only way we’ll get support is by going through our National Health Service General Practitioner. Luckily, mine is lovely and we get on well. Whether he ‘believes’ in ADHD or not I will have to discover! I now realise I’ve been misdiagnosed with a few things before which I’m going to discuss with him too.

On the whole, I feel positive. I’m 42 and very relieved that I might finally have the answer to why I’ve always felt so disconnected. If people want to rubbish that, they can just bugger off!