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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-17T22:48:32+00:00

Post count: 14413

Ugh!! I might have accomplished my goal of getting the shelving we wanted, but the house has turned into a tip while I have been busy putting furniture together! So very typical of my life – sort out one thing and everything else slides into chaos :?

On a better note, I have actually been doing my knitting when I get time, so it is coming along at a speed I can’t complain about. I might actually finish an item…AND while it still fits the intended wearer….AND, in the season it is intended for!! I have been determined to stay away from the internet, which has helped tremendously. Once I get on the laptop, then I can kiss goodbye to anything else I may have wanted to accomplish. I have been only going online in the morning after I work a night shift, so natural exhaustion takes over, forcing me to give up and sleep after only a short while. Having to document my progress here is helping also, so thanks for the idea, Carrie :mrgreen:

Carrie – it’s good to know the meds are helping you. Sometimes it takes stopping medications to make us see how well they really work. I agree with No_Dop that your writings here will give you a good reflection on what things were like for you off the meds.

No_Dop – my hubby is terrible when it comes to stopping my impulse buying. He will say “just get it” and then use it as an excuse to get himself something. I am better when I am by myself. I can take so long to make up my mind sometimes, that I put everything back just so I can get out of the shop. I get impatient with myself, so to speak 😉 It helps that I procrastinate going to the shops in the first place too. The internet is a different story! It’s too easy to shop online 🙄

Yawn! Bedtime I think. Can hardly keep awake, and i am spending longer editing my post than I am writing it…