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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-22T15:34:43+00:00

Post count: 529

I completely agree with that! Normally I am very hard on myself for being so unproductive in turn making me feel worse and repeating over and over. That why I decided I would take that day for me. If I want to play video games all day (and I did) I will!

It also dawned on me yesterday (the oblivious person I am hahaha) that if I want my house to be clean, I shouldnt wait until I FEEL like doing it because 98% of the time I DONT FEEL like it. hahahahaha I should do it even when I dont feel like it. Honestly who really FEELS like cleaning their house? Well if I wake up on the right side of the bed and the sun is shining and somehow I dont get sucked into the technology vortex I then feel like doing it, but thats rare! Today I am not going where my feelings take me! Im going to do it even if im working at a super slow, scattered pace! Also, I dont really feel like taking meds today. But looking back I guess its a smart thing to take them, I dont want to self medicate again! hahaha