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GAMES! Goals?

GAMES! Goals?2011-07-11T15:21:58+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    In my experience, when it’s a habit you’re trying to change, the only way to do it is to mess with it, which means doing things when you don’t feel like doing them (it’s how I quit smoking years ago, having a cigarette at inappropriate times with the aid of a timing device and not having one at the usual times). I suppose with ADD, we have a handicap of sorts to deal with as well, so the meds are a part of the solution too.


    Post count: 128

    Carrie, reading your post reminded me about the “shoulda, woulda, coulda”’s. I listened to a Tony Robins CD before I found out about my ADD and he talked about “shoulding all over yourself”. I thought the CD was hysterical and started watching how often I said I “should” have done this or “shouldn’t” have done that. Essentially I was beating myself up every time I used that phrase. Then my daughter told me that she had heard the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” stuff somewhere, like in a movie or a song, I don’t remember which, but it started something. I became very aware of all three words and how often I used them. I can’t say that I don’t ever do it anymore but being aware has really cut down on how often and how bad it gets when I slip and do it.

    I’m sorry to say I’m not ready to join a thread about goals and cleaning at the moment. It is too hot in my house since we have no air conditioning at the moment to even think about cleaning and I am still trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life and how to motivate myself to get there. I did have an idea this morning so I will develop the idea and report back later. Keep cool everyone! Heat index in my area is 118 degrees.


    Post count: 14413

    Planning nothing seems to be the order of the day. As I worked last night, I also plan to do nothing today. I try to keep my work days free as I am usually too tired to function after work, even after I have slept, and it’s enough to deal with school runs and the few other basic necessities. I DO need to remember to get some cat food though, as we are totally out. If I can deal with the rest of the grocery shopping while I am at the shops, then that’s a bonus, but otherwise it can wait until tomorrow. I think I need to plan on a day of rest today, as I am coming down with something and want to get over it before it takes a good hold on me. And I won’t fill tomorrow up too much either, for the same reason. Some ME time sounds good right now!

    I can SO appreciate how you people with the hot weather feel. I hate summer here, as it gets really hot and I struggle to get anything done. It’s just so yuck to be drenched in sweat if you so much as blink!

    Just to make myself feel better….what I HAVE done in the last 24 hours is – a load of laundry, loaded and started the dishwasher, sorted out some file backups I needed to do on the laptop, a few more rows of my knitting (nearly ready to join the sleeves to the body!!!), filled out a form I needed to do, sorted the medical receipts ready for my tax return, worked a 10 hour shift, and slept 7 hours. So while I feel like I have done stuff all, I really have done an acceptable amount for a work day. I guess that sometimes we lose track of what we have done because we concentrate too much on what we haven’t done.

    Well, I am off to wake up my son so I can drop him off at a rehearsal before I go to bed :? Yawn!!


    Post count: 529

    Memzak – Your exactly right about the should’s could’s would’a. That often crosses my mind a lot. Like first thing this morning I SHOULD OF WENT TO EDMONTON TO SEE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE BAND AND THEY ARE NOT BACK THIS WAY FOR A LONG TIME NOW all because I was a sissy and too scared to go. :((((((((((((((((( anyways… You dont have to set cleaning goals. They can be little goals about anything. I too am trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and how to get there. My sister has been asking me everyday to work out, but I feel like I cant because I am so bombarded with all these thoughts and trying to sort myself and life out.

    Krazy – Sounds like you got a lot of things done! Thats great! Kudos for you for getting other things done when you get home from a night shift. I tried it once and failed, well getting home then I was going to take my son to school but fell asleep and the school called wondering what was going on. hahaha I guess I will have to get used to it now since its my job :(

    So I have not gotten anything done yet! Meds have worn off. Well actually I have started dinner… Once dinner is made and we are all fed I am speed cleaning my house! Husband dared me. I love games. I will kick his butt, he gave me 4 hours to do so… Well now I have 3. But Im a quick bunny when I need to be. Other than that good luck trying to move me at all. I cant even do it. *le sigh*


    Post count: 14413

    dinner.. I’m too lazy right now to feed myself. I need a minion to make me food and spoon it into my mouth for me 8)


    Post count: 596

    Well on the bright side girls, even if you don’t actually pull everything off the way you intended to right away, at least you are thinking about it and on the way to achieving it. Far better than the old way we all were and frittered away our time!

    An update: I’m sticking to my Monday and Friday financial updates so far. Just got my Quicken to download after the last time it not working and am up to date and actually know that my balance is way off what it should be because I didn’t download for three months a while ago! I checked it on Monday but then I actually totally forgot about it until I saw the thread in the forum a few minutes ago. SO instead of reading further posts I opened up Quciken and sorted it out. Now I can keep surfing the forum! So I guess the old adage of write it down and make it happen is true :-)

    SO once again Carrie glad you thought of this thread! And Far cheaper than the psych I was seeing :-) !!


    Post count: 128

    I haven’t balanced my checkbook in years. It doesn’t matter anyway because its in the red and looks like it will stay there for a while. I’m broke, unemployed and disabled with more than ADD but I can still move forward and make some money. I haved an idea that i am working on. In checking it out I found that some things had changed and I need to do some research. I love doing research.

    Carrie, I also wanted to thank you for your great ideas. A lot of people have come up with a lot of really great ideas on this site which is why I am here almost every day.

    I will report back on how my “idea” is progressing.


    Post count: 529

    Sugar – I hear ya! Day before yesterday I didnt want to make food. I told my poor 5 and 4 year old to make their own dinner. You want cookies? Go for it! Anything to fill your tummy! hahahaha Husband made them food.

    Nellie – Thats great! Awesome that you did it before being sucked in ahahahaha I need to do that!

    Memzak – No worries! Your welcome! Welcome to all of you! And thank you all for keeping me posted and giving me ideas and helping this scatter brain out!

    So last night I got the living room done, dinner made, bathroom done, 4 loads of laundry done (well not put away ahahahaha) and basement started, garbage out! Today I dont have any plans because Im off to work this afternoon. I will do the dishes! There we go! I think maybe I should start taking small steps to turn into a routine instead of being all over the place.

    Today I took my first dose of Prozac… 20mg because my moods are all over the place. WOOOOOOO! And now starts the PMS. So far I dont think its working. Im so scared to take my Dexedrine too! I havent taken that yet. This morning I was super hyper, then angry, then depressed and craving CARBS CARBS CARBS. My husband said YES PMS TAKE YOUR PILLS! I said NO IM SCARED OF THEM! So then I took them, but not the ADD ones. I know its only day one of the Prozac BUT ITS NOT WORKING hahahahaha Oh my… I hate how things take time! ARRRG!! I know.. I just wont think about it! But I should take my ADD meds… I will post back and see if I got Serotonin Syndrome. YAY FOR OVER DRUG TO DRUG INTERACTIONS! At least I may be able to call into work sick! hahaha


    Post count: 529

    By golly, gosh darn george IVE GOT IT!! Every day, for ONE week, I pledge to just get ONE and ONLY ONE (whatever fits in a laundry basket) load of laundry, folded and put away! And ONE load of dishes done! That is my first step! Starting today and right now!

    *Edit* I must say I am very proud of myself! I ACTUALLY folded a load of laundry! I cant even remember the last time Ive done that! I even folded the T-shirts. I just did it, didnt think about how they are not perfect and I put them away :) Dishes are done too!


    Post count: 128

    I took Prozac for years and my first pill made me giddy, silly, almost drunk. I know it was an unusual reaction and I have never found anyone that could explain it. When I found out about my ADD it made a lot more sense because they kept saying that ADD meds work right away. Another thing they did not tell me is that it can make PMS WORSE. Not for everyone but it did seriously for me. I already had serious PMS and the Prozac made it worse. I did a post on PMS somewhere on this site. If it makes your PMS worse, talk to your doctor and consider stopping it. The generic Prozac did not work for me either so when they would only give me the generic I just stopped taking it. When I stopped taking it I did not notice any difference. Then again I am not as self aware as I thought I was so someone else may have noticed but that was almost 20 years ago.


    Post count: 14413

    I would give the prozac an honest try so that you know one way or another whether it works. Using prozac for PMDD is different than using it for depression. different mechanism. If it does not work, then you can move on to other options.

    ok it is 2:09pm and I am sitting around in PJs. Must be somewhere at 3pm. now, I am going to leave the computer. turn it off. get dressed and get it all together… N O W..


    Post count: 529

    Mamzak – Yeah I am paying very close attention. My PMS is PMDD. Very very severe, worse than my ADD. Thats why I was given Prozac, only to be taken while I PMS. But if it makes it worse, gosh. I hope not. My poor husband hahaha Thank goodness its only once a month. Today I didnt really feel any different. I could feel it a little bit, but as for my mood.. Its still too soon to say. Mind you I had my hyper bout that was turing into anger but went away and didnt go down into depression like it normally does! Time will tell.

    Sugar – Yeah, I really hope it works. Im so tired of trying this med and then this one and this one. That last 7 months have been that with the ADD meds. Finally have those at bay… Well kinda sorta. I dont like having to take them twice a day again. Still very frustrating because I always forget when I took my first dose. But we will see how the Prozac does. Its the most common treatment for PMDD. With the Prozac and the Dexedrine on board I had a pounding headache. But that went away after an hour. So far so good with the drug to drug interaction!


    Post count: 14413

    Carrie – I will keep my fingers crossed that the Prozac works for you. I don’t suffer from PMS much (sometimes I get a headache and am a bit moody), but I suffer once my period starts (like today :( ). I have bad cramps, a backache that hardly anything on the planet budges, and a tendency to flood at the worst possible time. As a teen, I would spend the first day or two of my period in bed most months. Having kids really settled things down for a long time, but it eventually got worse again. I am prescribed opioid pain killers for when my knees and back flare up, but tend to use them just as much for my period pains, just so I can function in those first 24 – 48 hours.

    I had not planned anything today, as I needed a “me” day (just as well, considering the surprise I woke up to this morning :( ), but after staying in bed till nearly lunch time, I managed to do a couple of loads of laundry (I quite like washing clothes, so that’s no real achievement), go grocery shopping (seeing as I had to go out anyway, to drop my son off), bought my son some new jeans and a hoodie while I was at the shops (he just keeps growing!), and put together one more set of shelves (only one more set to go now :D ). The house looks worse than ever, because the contents of the previous shelves/cupboards/drawers are not in the new shelves and are in piles everywhere, waiting to be sorted and put away. And the garage is full of cardboard boxes and old furniture :? Groan!

    Seeing as I have to go back out to collect my son, I have given up on dinner and plan to get takeaway while I’m out. Then I think I’ll curl up in bed with a hot pack and my knitting. Unless those last shelves start to play on my mind, in which case I will end up putting them together while the family are home to help lift them (they are HEAVY!).

    Time to go and get my son.

    Keep up the good work ladies 8)


    Post count: 128

    Carrie, really hope that the Prozac works for you. I guess we got a little off topic here. I’m starting to feel like I am slipping back into depression again. It kind of sneaks up on me. I started making plans, I downloaded a task manager because I don’t have outlook on my netbook. I haven’t had a good block of time to figure out how to use it though because I am playing chauffer for my daughter right now. I haven’t finished doing my research either. I’m going to try to do some now. I will have to leave in a little over an hour to pick up my daughter again.

    She is making plans to buy her own car. I can’t wait. She still has to get her driver’s license but she can get that on her own insurance.


    Post count: 14413

    Memzak, When depression starts to lurk, nab it before it grows like a fungus!!!! What is something you can do to prevent the spread?

    I woke up early-ish today, hoping to actually do something with my Sunday. I really really hate it when I lounge around all day. Time to take the pill and try and get myself moving.

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