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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-25T18:31:14+00:00

Post count: 529

Oh. And no my sister isnt ADD. You should see her room. Spotless! She is very organized, focused and soooooooo not a scatter brain like me.

Good news!!!!! The Prozac is working… Well so far. Yesterday and the day before had some pretty bad mood swings. Today I am feeling great, no mood swings at all! I took my Dexedrine and Prozac as soon as I got this morning. I feel calm, quiet, relaxed, and I could actually say happy! I dont think I have felt happy in a long time! NO MOOD SWINGS! I asked my husband just to make sure if I was really having mood swings for the last couple days and he said “OH YEAH! REALLY bad!” Today NONE! And during PMS when they start they normally dont stop and get worse until the day of my period! Woohoo! I just hope this lasts!

Of to fold 2 loads of laundry since I didnt do any yesterday. I need to find that little book thing that guy gave me from mental heatlh.

Oh and I just remembered another thing that happened this morning! My sister wanted to show me something on the PC. So I was standing there, I started to feel inpatient like I normally do… But I was able to redirect myself and be patient and finish listening to her. Normally, and what I wanted to do but didnt, is say “hurry up, get to the point! Hurry! Whats your point???” But I didnt. I stood there calm, without that constant itch nagging at me! Woo!