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Re: Commitment

Re: Commitment2011-07-13T15:45:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Commitment Re: Commitment


Post count: 529

Some of the ladies have been there for 30 years! They all tell me to stick it out for the next 25years because the pension is so good… 25 years! I feel like my wings have been clipped! I know I dont have to stay there forever… I just wish I knew what I wanted in life so I had something to work towards. I dont mind staying in one spot as long as I have a goal, a purpose. I would love to be a scientist doing research! Or an animator, graphic designer/website builder! Or a psychiatrist doing research, or a doctor. Or some sort of manager. Something that has a rush and lots of change in pace! And I want to buy a piece of land, and build a custom home that supports itself! I just want to live in my own little world away from everyone, doing my own thing!