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Re: This is the thread that never ends….

Re: This is the thread that never ends….2011-07-30T15:39:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other This is the thread that never ends…. Re: This is the thread that never ends….


Post count: 529

I wasnt banned… I dont think.. Unless I didnt try coming here while it happened… But Im normally checking here ALL the time! hahaha Normally when you get banned for saying something they let you know ;)

Well I am very excited today!!! We are packing up the camper and heading out!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Going to do some yard work first.. Weed whacking! I love to weed whack! The other night while drunk… The one where I was upset… 1 night ago? I was in the front yard pulling weed! Finally got rid of the ones that were about 2 feet short of being as tall as my house! hahahaha Now to whack all the rest of them! I just LOVE IT! Also I plan on making a hemp necklace today. I love necklaces.

Monday I will be going to the Okanagan to bring my cousin home, visit my grandma, and my uncle. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE my uncle!! I miss him so much!! Hes the best person in the world. Next to my husband and kids, I would do anything for him. Last year there was an attempted murder on him. Two people held him down while one took a knife to his head. They were his “friends”. I was ready and had a plan on how I could kill the people who did that to him, but thats not right. Luckily (I know its not nice to say) the guy who cut him up had a hear attack. The other one (who he still talks to and is still his friend) is a walking time bomb and is ready to have a heart attack at any moment. Just last week he did and my uncle took him to the hospital. This is the first time I have ever wanted anyone to die. I was hoping that man would. My uncle is too nice and puts up with his abusive crap!

Anyone know where I can get some chloroform? I need it to kidnap my uncle! hahahahaha My uncle is pretty much skin and bones… he’s always been skinny, but since on crack, hes very thin. Last year, my brother and I picked him and tried to shove him into my car (as a joke). I always tell him im going to knock him out and bring him to my place :) I love him so much. Everything I kept as a child he gave me. Everything… my style, my art work… is all because of him. I just wish I could save him, rescue him from his burdens, pain and suffering. He has a huge, tender heart…. but its easily hurt, and has been over and over. Anyways… Gosh I trail off a lot!

Alright!! The sun is shining!! That always makes me to antsy and hyper! I JUST LOVE THE SUN! Talk to all you lovely people later!

You are all so awesome!