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Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .

Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .2011-10-23T01:09:53+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job just was put on disability indefinitely . Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .


Post count: 14413

I do understand, my sleep doc made me stop driving for about 5 weeks in September and said he would have to report me to the Ministry of Transportation, but with the meds and my sleep study result, he said it was ok to drive provided I was on the meds and not sleepy. So I am driving again, but now I am very careful about stopping when I am tired and letting someone else drive. I think I completely ignored how dangerous it was for me to be driving at times.

The first week for me was really hard, I am so used to driving myself everywhere and being in control, I am a terrible passenger. I also really hated having to wait for people to take me places or pick me up (no convenient public transit), so I had to modify my schedule a lot and I didn’t get as much work done as I should have.

After a week I started to get used to being just a passenger. It’s really hard to give up control and just let things be, but that’s pretty much what I had to do to get through it. I’m a nervous passenger so I let my husband know in that he needed to adjust his driving to account for my new, raw emotional state. That and the fact that freedom of some 40 years had been taken away.