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Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .

Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .2011-11-30T11:38:46+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job just was put on disability indefinitely . Re: just was put on disability indefinitely .


Post count: 546

Hi , just thought I wanted to give you all an update.I got a phone call yesterday from a nurse that works for cpp. she did a phone inter view and after I told her my story then she said I was approved. what a relief . so if that was knot great enough I looked at my mail ,my check from the tax department for adding my disability tax credit going back ten years. ( that is as far as you can go back in canada.) so yesterday was a very good day. FYI , the amount the plan s pay are both based on what you earned in the past

So to all a BIG THANKS for all the support


Trashman .