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Re: Should I or shouldn't I?

Re: Should I or shouldn't I?2012-01-22T20:56:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Should I or shouldn't I? Re: Should I or shouldn't I?


Post count: 285

I really suffer from the same kinds of issues at work as an employee – and as a manager as well! I can see both sides, but in seeing both sides, I still don’t see any easy answers.

With myself – I have made up a short list of strategies to try to accomodate myself, and minimize the damage that my failings may cause. That includes reviewing my own job description every 2 weeks to make sure I am not taking on responsibilities that I shouldn’t. Also, when someone gives me instructions, I ask if they can put it in writing, or I write it down as they’re telling me, asking them to slow down if necessary. Then I will write an email back to them recapping what I believe the instructions and expectations to be. I’m sure there are books and resources with more ideas like this, but I’ve only known about adult ADHD for a short time. I actually developed these strategies without knowing about ADHD – I just knew something had to change or I would be fired… I still don’t know what my future holds, but I think the medication is helping.

With my staff – I have tried to let them work projects out in whatever way works best for them – just as long as results are achieved in a timely manner. Still… I have to answer to the higher-ups, and I think it is legitimate that they require a certain level of productivity. So, I accomodate the needs of staff as much as possible, but realize that I have a responsibility to let them know what the parameters are for them to keep their job. It’s awful when someone can’t meet that, but at least if they were given clear information on what was expected, and allowed to tweak their job environment as needed, I feel they were given the best chance to succeed. (At least the best chance I knew how to give – as imperfect as I am) I even send them to free counseling – if they’re willing to go… but that’s limited in what it covers.

I hope I can learn more about how to help people reach their potential. A lot of times the employee doesn’t know what is wrong or what they need to succeed. I wish there was more support available to help intervene and mediate between staff and manager with tools and ideas to make it a win-win for everyone. There are so many times when people in organizations get backed into an impossible corner and it never needed to get that way!!

I know it’s been said too many times but… if we can get to the moon, why cant we achieve x, y and z?? Like helping people succeed – including the outliers who don’t operate within the so-called norm????