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Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.

Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.2011-11-18T15:13:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me. Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.


Post count: 14413

It is with reluctance and trepidation that I wade back into this conversation………for reasons which I accept as my own. So my comments will reflect only those things which I also know unequivocally, are mine, they are my personal vision, or perception, with all of it’s flaws and distortions evident….but not open to debate.

It’s like this for me……

I understand through observation and experience there are those for whom no amount of achievement is enough to provide satisfaction in their life. There are tales of artists destroying their work because they see only flaws, musicians driven madd who never feel a sense of satisfaction over the command of their instrument or craft, dancers who drive themselves endlessly to physical exhaustion chasing some goal of unattainable perfection. This list is not exhaustive. Is this ADD, or something else??? I do not know, I cannot know…….it is only a question for me ponder, as a casual observer maybe.

I do know, as an outside person, an observer if you will, that from time to time I have observed individuals driven, at times to distraction, by unmeasurable , unattainable, moving goals or standards, which are obvious to only them…..fair enough, that is their life. By standers, causal observers through their vision may see another picture, one of great achievement and the trappings of a wonderfully full life, full of things others may only aspire to have in their own life……not unusual.

But…..I feel it would be judgement on my part to impose further comment on anybody such as, “your life is very full, your are amazingly creative, you seem like a person endowed with so many wonderful gifts or talents, because in doing so, I would be interjecting my values, my perception and my vision for my life, on another. Now…..I feel comfortable making those observations, and testing them against my values and perceptions, and I can comfortably share them about myself, or, I can also share them freely as a gratuity or complement to another…..but I feel it is not my position to TELL another, their vision is flawed, or distorted, that what I see is an “absolute truth” for another……those judgements are not mine to make……..ever!!!!

My vision is mine, my perception as well, is mine, I accept that, it is what makes me whole and fills my life…..and….gives me great satisfaction and fullness in my life. I worked hard at becoming aware of my vision and perception and it’s distortions or flaws and… redressing it’s imbalances and distortions……….but, in doing so, I had to learn and know, these things are mine, and not a platform to be used to judge another.
