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Re: Now I'm just mad

Re: Now I'm just mad2012-08-09T22:51:25+00:00

Post count: 445

Nobody is arguing that ADD people are not great works of nature possessing immeasurable value. Nobody is saying they don’t have talents and extraordinary contributions to make. Nobody is saying they should somehow be marginalized by society. But it’s simply a fact that we have serious challenges— challenges that can create havoc in our lives, destroy our most cherished relationships, and leave our aspirations in shambles. That’s not the caustic verdict of some “linear” non-ADDer, that’s the damn truth. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt. If some feel insulted by the suggestion that ADD is a debilitating disorder, I can assure you I’m insulted by the assertion that I must somehow have squandered the “gift” of an ADD brain and instead freely chose to screw up my life. So there we are.