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Re: 26 years of my life feel like a complete waste ADD, oh yay, lucky me!

Re: 26 years of my life feel like a complete waste ADD, oh yay, lucky me!2012-08-23T17:53:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story 26 years of my life feel like a complete waste ADD, oh yay, lucky me! Re: 26 years of my life feel like a complete waste ADD, oh yay, lucky me!


Post count: 14413

Awesome post! @Toofat

Ya It’s hard too differentiate if it’s me alone or a combination of me and my issues making it harder for me to say no, last night I was like well I haven’t smoked in 2 months so I won’t have to worry about it being in my system, but last night my uncle and his daughter came over and she had some, and of course I feel into the trap and smoked after being woke up and told wake and bake lol. So, I instantly failed at that (my fault because I could have said no.) I have a very low amount of willpower as does anyone who has dependency problems, especially if it’s offered. I know I definitely need to work on my willpower, but you also have to realize that when no one is there to help you such as family, friends, if you have any, co-workers, boss etc. Drugs are always there for you.

I do appreciate you sharing your knowledge, and admitting that you personally can’t relate to my issues. I personally think my issues are more extreme than most (not to boast) and that may be the reason why I have such a hard time overcoming them without some kind of help, this is the reason why I believe I need medication of some sort, because I’ve never been able to just get over my issues or surpass them in some way. I have had Individual Education Plans (Special ED help, Caseworker etc.) in school, as well as so called -Speech Classes, and a few therapist/counselors which obviously didn’t help any. Therefore I have reasoning for my curiosity of what medication may have in store for me.

I don’t mean to sound so negative but “it is what it is”. Thanks again for taking the time to care and write back. I do agree that I personally need to try harder instead of giving up so easily, but the struggle to do so coupled with my issues make the process that much harder.

Thanks again.