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Reply To: Rob Ford: poster child for undiagnosed ADHD?

Reply To: Rob Ford: poster child for undiagnosed ADHD?2013-11-20T23:16:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Other Rob Ford: poster child for undiagnosed ADHD? Reply To: Rob Ford: poster child for undiagnosed ADHD?


Post count: 906

I would just like to point out to start with there is nothing alleged about the drug and alcohol use. He has openly admitted to both and it was fairly obvious from the beginning.

It is impossible to say if it is undiagnosed ADHD without knowing his history and what other conditions may be present. Alcohol and drug use alone could account for a lot of  his behaviour, depending on how bad it is, and I suspect it is a lot worse than he is admitting.

I am tempted to say that the impulsive outbursts and hostility are signs of being an idiot and a horses posterior, but I suppose that is unkind. But ADHD or no ADHD, his recent behaviour is inexcusable. There is a difference between being impulsive and being repulsive.