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Reply To: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.

Reply To: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.2020-01-02T21:43:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me. Reply To: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.


Post count: 1

It makes me very sad that people really hate successful people with ADD or ADHD. I am one of those successful people that you are talking about and let me tell you NOTHING comes easy. I am still in college and I have been in college for 4 years trying to get my Associates Degree. I work hard every day all day at my job and I still struggle every day but I don’t let that stop me. It may slow me down but i refuse to let it stop me from being successful. I go home and cry at least once a week and my selfesteem is way down but i get up the next day and try my best. Some days my best is not good enough it seems like. I have had to call in because I could not do my daily morning routine due to weather and it upset me to the point i balled my eyes out and called in. No matter what learning/mental disability you have you can do it..I BELIEVE IN YOU! Most people also think i am on the autism spectrum but when i was tested for things as a kid autism wasn’t very popular and people didn’t know a lot about the spectrum. Also, just becuase i am successful doesn’t mean i dont struggle. How many of you can read out loud? Hoe many of you can actually read a page out of a book? Well i cant and in my “successful” job i was at a credntialing class and they made me read out loud and you know what happened the girl sitting next to me took over reading because i could barely get through the first scentence. I can read in my head however, no matter how hard i try i can’t read out loud and that is embarrassing. So before you hate on people like me really think about it we aren’t differnet than you. You can do it too and if you need I will help you and that is what i do for a living i advocate for people with disabilities and people in poverty because I want the young children to have a fighting chance and i want to see all people succeed.