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Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?

Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?2010-05-11T20:42:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted? Re: Just because I wasn't confused enough… ADD or Gifted?


Post count: 11

@ mmarcel – It’s funny that you mention problems with general knowlege. My son’s gr. 4 teacher just asked me the other day if it was possible that my son didn’t have a complete grasp of the months of the year. Since he still has trouble remember which part of his body are his shoulder and which are his elbows, I said that it is very possible that the months of the year also need a refresher.

The last time things like this were actually taught was probably when he was in preschool or JK – since he didn’t pick it up like the other kids did at that time it never became part of his general knowlege. I think that this is partially why it took a while (and a lot of tests) to prove that my son was actully functioning at quite a high level cognitively. All of these “holes” in his knowlege made it difficult to answer, for example, math problems. They weren’t trying to test whether he knew the months of the year but not knowing them by heart made it almost impossible to answer the question correctly.

I think his teacher (who is fabulous) really learned something that day.