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Re: Bullying

Re: Bullying2012-10-28T01:17:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Bullying Bullying Re: Bullying


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Victims of bullying are usually treated the same as victims of sexual abuse. If they report it, THEY are the ones who have to defend themselves, and they’re often not believed, particularly if the abuser is known for charitable works—like Jerry Sandusky, Jimmy Savile, and many a priest and Scout leader.

In positive news, it was very satisfying to hear that a group of 8 girls was arrested in London, Ontario, last week, and charged with criminal harassment, for their bullying ways. Hopefully, they’ll get just enough jail time to show them what it’s like to be bullied and unable to escape from it.

Maybe that’s the answer. Instead of just complaining to the schools, parents of bullying victims should go to the police and file formal criminal charges against bullies. That way, it will be treated as the serious offense that it is.