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Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time

Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time2011-01-03T01:58:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time


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@Crazydrummer – Honestly, I dont know how many medical studies have been done on medical marijuana for tx (treatment) of ADD/ADHD, but from what I understand of how the brain’s chemistry works, a tx that increases dopamine levels in your brain would be a beneficial tx for people who are gifted with ADD/ADHD. (Most people say “suffer”, I hope everyone else will eventually start saying “gifted” instead once everyone who has it realizes it’s the rest of the world in the dark, not us) If your brain on ADD/ADHD is a Ferrari with model T ford brakes, Medical Marijuana might just be the “governer” your engine (brain) could need to slow it down a bit. THIS IS JUST TALK, I dont condone breaking laws of governments, state, town, cities or religions (although the latter is usually pretty forgiving, the others arent). I’ve been all over the place with the meds prescribed to me since I was 13 (now 33, i think) and tried a bunch ( that were RX’d to me) with no clear winner EXCEPT Provigil, which is unfortunately quite expensive @$400 a month, and currently not covered by insurance plans as a known Tx for ADD/ADHD. I would put your focus on the chemistry research and maybe do a little digging into “uncoventional” Rx’s for ADD/ADHD (herbal supplements, vitamins, exercise, etc). But I agree that Medical Marijuana is probably underrated as a TX, nobody wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole. Thoughts any1?