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40 years old and seeking medication for the first time

40 years old and seeking medication for the first time2010-12-29T08:12:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time

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    Post count: 14413

    yeah, it is 25mg. i just remembered seeing a 2.

    the little bit of dizziness happened when i was in a rocking chair. i assume i was rocking at the time. i felt it a little more while i was rocking my daughter this morning. nothing serious as far as vertigo. i used to get it once or twice a year. this was just a momentary bit of it and only happened when i was in that chair watching TV.

    i have noticed a lot of burping that i thought was because of the duck and goose gumbo i had last night, but im noticing a medicinal flavor/smell to the burps (kind of nasty). wife hasn’t been around close enough for it to bother her…yet. hopefully this will pass soon.

    beyond those two things, i haven’t really noticed much of anything.


    Post count: 14413

    To each of you (Running Snow, i am ray, turbo and wendellk),

    Personally I am on Concerta, I was started off at the lowest dosage and then graduated up to the third highest now at 36 mg.

    A few things about me that maybe helpful. I at one point was on Paxil (a cousin to Prozac) for ‘anger’ issues but later learned after seeking to end my life on five different occasions that it was a ‘mis-prescribe’ medication to me by an ill informed doctor.

    My psychiatrist currently is aware of all my past with various ‘recreational drugs’ that I have tried and my responses to them. She was somewhat hesitate to allow me to try Concerta but we agreed to keep close watch on it at all times. I have employed the watchful eyes of many family members, co-workers and supervisors to ensure that I am not missing something.

    So far, I have only noticed one thing that is odd, my appetite, which after 30 minutes or so after taking it, seems to disappear for a number of hours. That being said, the positives in my case out-weigh the ‘bad’. The good being able to focus on a DIY project for more than six hours straight… quite a feat if you ask my wife.

    At work, I wasn’t able to organize a bag of M&M’s into colors (extreme example but almost totally true) with my work load, meet timings, stay on track, complete projects, and complete projects on time plus many more things. Since being bumped to the next level of medication and along with a coach for organization and what not, things have vastly improved. I am not saying any of this to brag because all who know me, know that isn’t in my character. I have had my supervisors receive phone calls of praise about me, emails of gratitude and letters of appreciation, none of this is some thing that I have ever been accustom to.

    This week particularly has been strange in that I got a fictional novel for my wife and myself, which she would tell you is out of character for me, since I usually read stuff on nutrition, training and supplementation for bodybuilding. I got these books last night and already, I am a quarter of the way through it. My wife who is a voracious reader can’t believe what she is seeing in me now.

    Now, if you were to look at me about five months ago, you would swear you were looking at Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in that I have changed so very much.

    You also have to know that it has not all been simply because of medication, although that is a good portion of it but I also see organizational coach who aids me in trying different methods of organization and processes of doing things to help me at work.

    I could go on about this but if you want to know more or have any questions, please ask away.



    Post count: 14413

    i guess i’m using this as a blog for myself just to keep track of what is going on.

    vertigo isn’t too bad right now, but it’s still there. i called the doctor just to let her know what was going on and if i should be concerned because i wasn’t really seeing vertigo as one of the listed side effects. same with the burping. she said that it would pass, just to give it time and not to give up on it. i’ve only taken one dose (well, two at this point because i just ate supper) so i wasn’t ready to quit. i know my body (and brain) have to get acclimated to this.

    one weird thing that started happening is that my head started tingling…kind of like it was asleep or something.

    the burping passed by, but i started farting a good bit and i keep feeling like i need to take a dump, but nothing comes out.

    i’m also feeling pretty …blah. i’m kind of lethargic, but more than that. i don’t feel down in the dumps or anything like that. i’m just kind of leveled. not really used to that at all.

    i’m paying more attention and listening a little better to my wife, though. i’m also not getting as zoned into whatever is in front of me. i don’t think its supposed to work that fast. i’m usually hyper-sensitive to the effects of drugs so who knows?

    the only thing i am sure of is that i am not used to my body and head feeling like this. brand new experience that i can’t say i’m loving, but it isn’t enough for me to quit taking it. potential rewards far outweigh the momentary weirdness.


    Post count: 89

    Distracted- thanks for sharing your story so far. It’s always great to read about what has worked for others.


    I’m curious if you ever had vertigo issues before the meds? I never experienced that as a “side effect” but have always had problems with heights. Never had the farting, but my stomach doesn’t like the meds if it’s empty.

    I too have had the scalp tingle. There’s a name for it, but I forget right now. It is an interesting feeling, for sure! The first time it occured, was while I was taking a whizz. After that it occured on it’s own sometimes too. I’m getting that again now, 1.5 weeks into a 25mg dose. Before meds, I would get that same tingle when my girlfriend’s hair brushed my face just right. I kind of enjoy it, actually – it’s kind of sexual for me.

    The first time I tried Strattera (for 3 or 4 weeks maybe?) I actually found it restored my energy level. I never felt down or lethargic. I’d actually wake up and WANT to get out of bed and do stuff too.

    What was REALLY interesting was playing hockey on the stuff. Imagine that tingly feeling, but slightly subdued and all over your body. Every shift was like that – and it energized me even more. I skated like a bat out of hell, played with a purpose and focus I had never felt before all the while tingling from head to toe. It’s really hard to describe, but when you feel it full body it really is almost like an ongoing sexual release.

    So…..it’s not all bad :-)


    Post count: 71

    Something to think about. I’ve read many posts from members who fear taking ADD meds and that is certainly their perogative, but in many cases, those same members mention that they’ve taken antidepressants, etc for years. I am in no way being judgemental, but rather curious to know, why we (as ADDers) fear the stimulants, but seem OK with the SSRI’s and others. If more people die taking aspirin in a year than the stimulants(according to the documentary), then why are we so afraid of a simple tool?

    For myself, I did worry if I would be some kind of zombie (mostly since I wasn’t 100% sure that I had ADD when I first started meds.), but I really had nothing to worry about at all. I don’t feel stoned or super energized or anything like that. I feel calm. When I want to do “X”, I don’t get overwhelmed with all of the chaos in my head that hampers that motivation. Then on the flipside, when I have a cool idea, I’m able to take a second to do quick risk assessment, before I get myself in trouble.

    I just thought this was interesting and was curious to know why.


    Post count: 14413

    I have a question about possible odors as an side effect. I’m taking Concerta 27 mg since december 11th. I’ve had a cold and a huge headache over Christmas vacation. I’m still coughing. And there is a strange and awful odor that seems to permeate me constantly. It’s stronger today. I have no real appetite. Is that odor a side effect? It’s really awful. I don’t think its anything like BO but… no I really can’t describe it. It’s like coming from me and or all around everywhere. It’s sickening.


    Post count: 14413

    I think it’s coming from my mouth! It gets worse when i eat. Kind of a metallic taste… blood? Should I stop Concerta? Maybe i will just to see if it goes away.


    Post count: 14413

    Slow-going so far. I took the prescription to my nearest pharmacy and discovered neither the dose, nor the med was available. I won’t hear anything until tomorrow once doc’s office reopens. I so appreciate you all sharing your reactions. After a bit of research on what my plan’s copays were for specific meds, and looking at a matrix of ADD meds, conditions and side effects, my doc and I chose Wellbutrin XR in the generic form: bupropion (sp?). Like others who revisit this thread as a journal of sorts, I’ll return here and post again once I begin my trial of my first ADD med. Anxious (standard reaction) to share results with you all, counselor, doc and support group. Nervous, but hopeful?


    Post count: 28

    To Moka,

    I was on one particular antibiotic and one of the side effects for me was my sense of smell heightened like a bloodhound. I could smell everything and it was not a good thing. I could now smell bad breath on 50% of people I spoke to when I was standing 3 feet away from them. I would walk up to a particular machine and get knocked over by the smell of the hydraulic oils leaking from it. I could not wash or gargle enough to make myself get rid of even my own smells. Having a sensitive sniffer sucks.

    My sniffer went back to normal about 3 weeks after stopping the antibiotic. Point is, yes, certain pills can make you smell things –real or imagined.


    Post count: 14413

    Moka, perhaps you have a sinus infection and it’s not at all related to your meds. I had a horrible sinus infection once and those were all the symptoms I had at the time (I wasn’t even on ADHD meds back then).

    I sometimes think we try to overthink any new med that we begin taking. I’m not saying we should all turn off our brains when we start taking a new med.

    Instead, I think we should stop hyper-focussing on every little thing we notice or feel when we start a new med. When I start a new med, I always read about theURGENT, go directly to the hospital, seek medical assistance side-effects. The side-effects that are listed first are the ones I ignore since many of them are considered to be only minor ‘annoyance’ symptoms that either disappear after a week or so, once your system has adjusted.

    We tend to spend too much time over analyzing the little things and forget to focus on the other stuff. Afterall, would we give up on chemo because we felt a bit dizzy or nauseous everytime we had a treatment? Of course not! We know that those side-effects are OK in the grand scheme of things because our ultimate goal is to eradicate a bigger problem- the cancer.

    That’s why I just watch out for any of the life-threatening side-effects that are listed for any new med I take for anything. The minor side-effects usually go away on their own and if they don’t, and are more troublesome than the condition that the med is supposed to be treating- then I go to my doc and say, “we need to make some changes here”.

    Just saying….


    Post count: 14413

    zsazsa – Thanks for the response. You are right, I tend to go overboard trying to analyse every little symptom. You are probably right about the sinus infection. I’m better today even though there is still a bad taste in my mouth. I took my Concerta this morning. I guess I’m extra observant of the side effects on Concerta ’cause I read that It’s not recommended for people with anxiety, glaucoma and It’s got a milk component in its ingredients, and I’ve got a problem with all of the above. But I should trust my neurologist. He knows about all of this and wouldn’t have prescribed me Concerta if he didn’t think It’d be ok. Thanks again :)


    Post count: 14413

    Philabuster – Hey I just read your post! Wow, that’s ADD all right. I didn’t see it earlier but saw zsazsa’s! Yeah, no doubt becoming sensitive to odors must be hard. I mean, just that smell that I couldn’t get away from was really sickening. But now though as I said earlier, I figured it was my breath or in my mouth or something. Still there… yuck! Thanks :)


    Post count: 14413

    Hi, This is my first post to this section. I have been on many medications over the years like effexor, Dexedrine, adderall,clonazepam and about 20 other meds over the years and I’ve had some kind of reaction to all kinds of meds. I was wondering if any one has ever tried medical marijuana for there treatments and if it helped ?


    Post count: 14413

    @Crazydrummer – Honestly, I dont know how many medical studies have been done on medical marijuana for tx (treatment) of ADD/ADHD, but from what I understand of how the brain’s chemistry works, a tx that increases dopamine levels in your brain would be a beneficial tx for people who are gifted with ADD/ADHD. (Most people say “suffer”, I hope everyone else will eventually start saying “gifted” instead once everyone who has it realizes it’s the rest of the world in the dark, not us) If your brain on ADD/ADHD is a Ferrari with model T ford brakes, Medical Marijuana might just be the “governer” your engine (brain) could need to slow it down a bit. THIS IS JUST TALK, I dont condone breaking laws of governments, state, town, cities or religions (although the latter is usually pretty forgiving, the others arent). I’ve been all over the place with the meds prescribed to me since I was 13 (now 33, i think) and tried a bunch ( that were RX’d to me) with no clear winner EXCEPT Provigil, which is unfortunately quite expensive @$400 a month, and currently not covered by insurance plans as a known Tx for ADD/ADHD. I would put your focus on the chemistry research and maybe do a little digging into “uncoventional” Rx’s for ADD/ADHD (herbal supplements, vitamins, exercise, etc). But I agree that Medical Marijuana is probably underrated as a TX, nobody wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole. Thoughts any1?


    Post count: 89


    I’m surprised your doctor is starting with Wellbutrin. For ADD, it is being prescribed “off label” and has had only moderate success as a treatment.

    Aren’t front line drugs like Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Concerta and Strattera normally prescribed first?

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