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Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time

Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time2011-01-13T22:33:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time


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things have gotten better. the grumpiness and feeling down lasted only that one day.

every once in a while i get dizzy and have come close to blacking out, but those moments are rare and usually after i sit up too quickly. that wasn’t something that happened very often at all before.

my appetite isn’t very strong anymore, which is a good thing. i need to lose some weight anyways. i don’t snack during the day and i have to be reminded to eat during the day.

tomorrow i will be moving up to the 85mg dose. i expect a few days of adjusting, just like every other time i have increased dosage, but i am looking forward to leveling out finally.

the only really lingering side effect is the tingling scalp and skin. on the 60mg dose it effects me all over quite a bit of the time, but the scalp tingling is pretty much a constant. it doesn’t really bother me, it’s just kind of funny.