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January 3, 2011 at 4:39 pm #98635
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 3, 2011 at 4:39 pmPost count: 14413@zsazsa…i am not quite paranoid about the side effects of strattera, but i am really conscientious of them. i am really sensitive to the effects of any drug, esp. the side effects. i had a very scary reaction to an antibiotic this year that gave me all the symptoms of a heart attack and got my wife on the phone to 911 and a trip in an ambulance to the emergency room. first time for all of that.
i’m not used to taking much of anything and on those few occassions i do take something, i usually anticipate feeling more than i’m supposed to. sudafed gets my heart skipping around and a dose of benedryl will knock me out for a day and a half.
i worked at a children’s home as a house parent with my wife and we had, in the course of 2 years, about 30 different teenage girls living with us. we were with them the med changes and saw some good stuff, but also some very bad stuff w/ regards to effects of the drugs. i just don’t want to go thinking that everything is hunky dory and overlook some possible negative side effects that might be happening to me. i’m not going to quit taking it, at least for a good while, but i’m not going to play down the new feelings and sensations i have had since i started taking this. if there are any red flags, i want to know what they are. i want to know that the things i am feeling are being felt by others taking this.
for some people who have been taking meds like this for years, it may not be a big deal, but this is all new to me and i am a bit nervous about it all. it took me a lot to get to this point and i am going to continue on this path unless it appears that the side effects may be worse than the potential benefits.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 6, 2011 at 5:41 pm #98636
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 6, 2011 at 5:41 pmPost count: 14413well…today i’m feeling kid of gloomy and down and there is no reason for it. i’ve been feeling a little nauseous since my dosage increased and the tingling in my scalp is continual. (looked it up, it’s either paresthesia or piloerection).
hopefully these won’t continue…esp. the gloomy depressed part of it. this is the first day i’ve felt it on strattera. usually i feel pretty leveled since being on it.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 6, 2011 at 6:17 pm #98637paresthesia! That’s what the name I couldn’t remember the other day.
Funny thing is I don’t really feel it this time around. For some reason the side effects I am experiencing on the med this time (as opposed to 2 years ago) are somewhat different. Almost no tingling sensation, more urine retention and even lower “flow”. Slight stomach ache whereas none last time, and pseudo constipation I never had before. On the bright side, less ball-ache and the sexual timing issues seem to have disappeared.
Just increased to 40mg from 25mg so we’ll see how it progesses.
For the uninary issues I’ve been put on Flomax, which I’ve been taking once every 2 days instead of every day, and it solved the problems when I was on the 25mg dose. We’ll see how it works on the 40.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 6, 2011 at 6:56 pm #98638
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 6, 2011 at 6:56 pmPost count: 14413i’m forcing myself to drink more. trying to drink 64oz of water (with a little sugar free flavoring) a day. i haven’t had any urinary troubles, but there was a little constipation at first.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 6, 2011 at 9:46 pm #98639
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 6, 2011 at 9:46 pmPost count: 14413feeling really grumpy as well.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 7, 2011 at 2:18 am #98640Hmmm…….that’s not good.
I will say last time I was on Strattera I’d bounce out of bed every morning ready to do business. Haven’t felt that “urge” yet this time
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 8, 2011 at 5:01 pm #98641
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 8, 2011 at 5:01 pmPost count: 14413My psychiatrist has told me to watch for two things in particular… extreme anger (very short fuse and typically unprovoked) as well as bouts of sadness, depression and thoughts of suicide.
She has been very serious about this because these are apparently ‘red-flags’ that the medication is the wrong one for my biochemistry. He advise has been from the first moment, if you see these manifesting themselves in any degree, you need to come in and if you can’t, stop the medication immediately. Then come and see me as soon as possible.
I have been very fortunate in that Concerta seems to be working great for me and that this is also the first medication tried.
With the success that I have been blessed with, I only wish and hope that all other have similar successes and positive results.
The only downside that I have seen so far is that my appetite is completely eliminated for up to 10 hours after I take the medication. I figure its a small price to pay but realize that taking some sort of meal replacement formula like Carnation’s instant breakfast drink or EAS Myoplex protein drink/meal-replacement to ensure that I am getting nutrients and calories into my body to maintain my health. Not only that but some sort of multi-vitamin.
Sorry, I am thinking like a bodybuilder again… nutrition and supplements… my apologies.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 13, 2011 at 10:33 pm #98642
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 13, 2011 at 10:33 pmPost count: 14413things have gotten better. the grumpiness and feeling down lasted only that one day.
every once in a while i get dizzy and have come close to blacking out, but those moments are rare and usually after i sit up too quickly. that wasn’t something that happened very often at all before.
my appetite isn’t very strong anymore, which is a good thing. i need to lose some weight anyways. i don’t snack during the day and i have to be reminded to eat during the day.
tomorrow i will be moving up to the 85mg dose. i expect a few days of adjusting, just like every other time i have increased dosage, but i am looking forward to leveling out finally.
the only really lingering side effect is the tingling scalp and skin. on the 60mg dose it effects me all over quite a bit of the time, but the scalp tingling is pretty much a constant. it doesn’t really bother me, it’s just kind of funny.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 20, 2011 at 10:19 pm #98643
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 20, 2011 at 10:19 pmPost count: 14413i’ve been on the 85mg dose for a couple days. felt a bit nauseous the first couple days but today i feel ok except i blacked out a couple times earlier in the day.
i realized that the tingling sensation has backed off a bit. funny, but i almost miss that feeling.
i’m not sure of many benefits right now, though. at least nothing more than i have already mentioned. i am not sure if my ability to focus has improved.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 21, 2011 at 3:49 pm #98644
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 21, 2011 at 3:49 pmPost count: 14413Distracted66
Your story is encouraging. I”ve never taken any meds and have suffered with being a spaz my entire life. Amazingly I got my college degree (but had to work 10X harder than my buddies in certain classes) and I ran my own successful company for almost 20 years. Probably because the “motor” keeps me going and the fear of failure makes me work even harder…but I don’t feel like I enjoy life in general. But your earlier description of some of the changes you’ve seen are amazing. Now I’m actually considering seeing if there is anything I can try to make me feel normal (what-ever that really is)
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 21, 2011 at 5:06 pm #98645
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 21, 2011 at 5:06 pmPost count: 14413yeah, i’ve been self employed for a few years now. i haven’t done much work at all the past few weeks. i’ve mainly just been trying to get myself acclimated to the med. it’s been rough. every day i feel something different taking place, but i know things are settling down.
i know about having to put extra effort into work to get the same results as everyone else and in the past couple years it was just starting to get worse for some reason so i felt i had to do something about it. i got to where i was having to work 12+ hours a day to get the same amount accomplished that used to only take me 8-10 hours. that was taking a lot of time away from my wife and daughter and it sure wasn’t helping me meet my clients deadlines.
i don’t “feel” really any different, just more settled and level if that makes any sense. i chose strattera in part because it gets built up in the system and doesn’t have the ups and downs you get when you are on stimulants and they wear off late in the day.
as for side effects today, i’ve felt pretty jittery and i’ve been blacking out some when i stand up. the tingling has also come back. nausea hasn’t been there so that is good, but the jittery and blacking out a little has been bothersome. it will pass, though, just like the rest of the side effects.