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Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time

Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time2011-01-21T17:06:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time Re: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time


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yeah, i’ve been self employed for a few years now. i haven’t done much work at all the past few weeks. i’ve mainly just been trying to get myself acclimated to the med. it’s been rough. every day i feel something different taking place, but i know things are settling down.

i know about having to put extra effort into work to get the same results as everyone else and in the past couple years it was just starting to get worse for some reason so i felt i had to do something about it. i got to where i was having to work 12+ hours a day to get the same amount accomplished that used to only take me 8-10 hours. that was taking a lot of time away from my wife and daughter and it sure wasn’t helping me meet my clients deadlines.

i don’t “feel” really any different, just more settled and level if that makes any sense. i chose strattera in part because it gets built up in the system and doesn’t have the ups and downs you get when you are on stimulants and they wear off late in the day.

as for side effects today, i’ve felt pretty jittery and i’ve been blacking out some when i stand up. the tingling has also come back. nausea hasn’t been there so that is good, but the jittery and blacking out a little has been bothersome. it will pass, though, just like the rest of the side effects.