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Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?

Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?2011-01-09T17:33:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed? Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?


Post count: 14413

Being ADD now I always never looked back. I never wanted to see where I had already been. Some failures and some huge successes was the common theme. I am Facebooking some now and find it quite fun as there are different things we all remember and the way we remember them is different for us all. I have been in contact with old friends and girlfriends alike and found some to be the same and some to have grown, same with employers, or the ones that were still around and in business. My plan, should I accept it, is to present myself as healed and new to the market with skills that are vast and varied that can now be focused into one steady stream. I am pretty sure that I can’t do it alone but as an overthinker every example has come to mind. Unless….forgot the thought…oh well go with what you just read and use what works for you.