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Re: Chronically missing stairs and losing balance

Re: Chronically missing stairs and losing balance2011-07-05T20:40:39+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Odd Symptoms/Behaviours/Signs Chronically missing stairs and losing balance Re: Chronically missing stairs and losing balance


Post count: 128

I never even considered this before! Although I don’t chronically miss steps now I am very paranoid about the top step. As a kid I remember numerous sprained ankles, twisted knees, torn cartilage. Now that i think about it in 7th grade i misjudged a step and ended up taking 3 at time going down and sprained my ankle. I was always coming up with new bruises and not remembering where I got them. I broke a finger and sprained the one next to it because I insisted on running down a just waxed hallway at a school and landed on my hand. I cut a finger to the bone trying to cut stuff off a ring that I had used to keep the ring from falling off. I stood on a folding chair to fix a party decoration at my brother’s wedding and had the chair fold up on my foot and broke a bone. I am always burning myself when I cook. I hate to cook. I don’t sprain ankles anymore because I walk with a cane now but I still burn myself all the time when I cook.

A couple of years ago I tried to separate two extension cords with a pair of scissors WHILE THEY WERE STILL PLUGGED IN! My daughter witnessed that one. Fortunately the scissors had a plastic handle so it was just sparks and a damaged pair of scissors but to this day I keep telling myself I know better than to do that. I know there are many other incidents of clumsy, downright dangerous behavior that I can’t recall at the moment.

I just never linked this to my ADD before.

Should I be linking this with ADD?