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Re: Dealing With Bullies

Re: Dealing With Bullies2011-07-08T23:19:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Bullying Dealing With Bullies Re: Dealing With Bullies


Post count: 226

I told my bully this: “I thought you were adult–I guess you are still have a high school mind.” That was the last time that bully messed with me.

My favorite was a bully telling me that he spread a rumor, because his friend knew me and knew I was not where he (the bully) said where I was. The bully then said he hated me, and I thanked him for his honesty. He did not know what to do with me after he said he hated me.

Normally, I act that it doesn’t brother me (even if it does. When that happens I run to closet place the bully can’t go and cry), or say something witty.