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Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?

Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?2011-01-10T16:45:53+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Inattention/Distractibility/Focus Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too? Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?


Post count: 14413

@ Stacerella,

I do identify with your initial post. After many ill fit jobs, I eventually grew a business doing what I love. It is the running the biz (Corporation no less) I hate and wish I had the resources to have a solid manager run the day to day so I could focus on the reason my clients hire me in the first place….that is my biggest hurdle.