The Forums › Forums › Most X-treme! › Funny › Do you make up words by accident? › Re: Do you make up words by accident?
Man. I am always invernting new words! Not that I can remeber any of them!! And I typoe all over the palce as I am showing by thois unedited post. My brain does not manage to cathc up with emy fingers or my finsgers go muych faster than my brian. Actually I think I meant to say that my brain goes too fast for my fingerts to cathc up so my speloing goes out the window. This is why I shpend so muich longer editing my posts than I do typing them in the first place!!!
And I do what Carrie does with not being able to remeber the word I need at the time I need it, and it can get really embarrasing, especailly at work when I’m umming and aahhing and teying to remebr what it is I am trying to sya. Not very professional 😳