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Re: extra time on tests to cheat and look up information

Re: extra time on tests to cheat and look up information2012-09-03T13:03:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard extra time on tests to cheat and look up information Re: extra time on tests to cheat and look up information


Post count: 1096

Hi SayWhat – if you have been through the university channels and received a formal accommodations letter then no teacher at the university is qualified to argue with that.

If she feels uncomfortable then that’s tough ‘do doos’ for her. I sometimes come across teachers who just don’t understand yet sadly they think they do.

If this teacher (or any other) causes you problems then please go back to the university disability centre (or whatever name it has where you are) and explain the situation to them.

Hopefully she’s being fair with you and you’re taking this opportunity to vent. If not, then fight for your rights. :)