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extra time on tests to cheat and look up information

extra time on tests to cheat and look up information2012-09-03T03:41:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard extra time on tests to cheat and look up information

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    Post count: 14413

    I recently took an online class (hard!), and after speaking with the teacher about my accommodations (double testing time) she said that she didn’t feel comfortable giving me extra time since, because it was an online class, I would have access to my book and notes and I would have all this extra time to look up the answers to every question.

    Uh, lady, first of all, we’ll be lucky if I can even find my book after the third day of class, and I can’t even read my own handwriting to take notes so I don’t, second of all, even with the extra time, I will probably still be cutting it close to just read the questions and hopefully answer them. This is why the formal accommodation letter explains ACCOMMODATIONS, not ADVANTAGES.

    Sheesh. IF I wanted to cheat in a class, I would just do it. I certainly wouldn’t go through all of the university’s disability documentation process just to score an extra hour for the tests.


    Post count: 1096

    Hi SayWhat – if you have been through the university channels and received a formal accommodations letter then no teacher at the university is qualified to argue with that.

    If she feels uncomfortable then that’s tough ‘do doos’ for her. I sometimes come across teachers who just don’t understand yet sadly they think they do.

    If this teacher (or any other) causes you problems then please go back to the university disability centre (or whatever name it has where you are) and explain the situation to them.

    Hopefully she’s being fair with you and you’re taking this opportunity to vent. If not, then fight for your rights. :)


    Post count: 14413

    I went through the disability center at my university and when I presented the teacher with the formal letter they gave me, that is the response I got. The teacher also added that many people with LD do well in her classes because she offers so many chances for extra points, which I was happy about, but I still don’t understand how she could still have that attitude. I’m scared to tell the disability coordinator because I need this class for my major and I don’t want to look like a tattle tale and have the teacher hate me, because I also may have her for another class next semester. I’m going to add up all of the extra point opportunities and see if I can still do ok even if I bomb the tests.


    Post count: 1096

    That’s tricky. She ought to be a bit more professional, but if you are worried then you need to do what you feel is the right thing.

    Do you have a pastoral tutor in you university – someone you can talk to independently? If you do, then maybe you should have a chat with her/him and let them know the situation. I don’t mean for them to say anything to the teacher if you’re worried, but at least there would be a record of what Is happening so if your marks from that class looks lower than those from other classes, then maybe something could be done about it later?

    At my university we have an external examiner who checks that our students are marked fairly. Maybe this is something to bear in mind later on?


    Post count: 14413

    I too receive double time accomodation for testing. My understanding is that your online teacher is breaking the student disability law act by denying you your right. You are in the right to fight for this. She is not wearing nor walking in your shoes. There is great ignorance, biases, and misconceptions in regards to the ADHD mind. Good luck with the rest of your education!


    Post count: 802

    I would definitely stand up for myself. I didn’t complain about the appalling treatment I had from my tutors until a couple of weeks ago, with only a month to go. I wish I’d done it a year ago. They’ve done the work they should have done right from the beginning, apologised profusely and admitted I was right to complain about all of it (there was a LOT) and I’ve had my work double marked to ensure that it wasn’t marked down due to any bad feeling.

    The woman who dealt with it all for me said that they can help, but only if they know there are problems.

    I don’t know what your situation is but complaining, politely, and with positive comments at the beginning, worked for me.

    Good luck!

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