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Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances

Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances2010-01-30T00:31:52+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances


Post count: 121

The sad thing of it is that while we languish away trying to make a living, our potential to be as great, or contribute in a significant way much like the people on the posted lists, we will never be given a chance. (For the most part…)

How sad…imagine how much of an impact we can have on the world if we were encouraged to use our “gift” in a creative, positive way.

Every time I pass a grave yard, I ask myself: How many great ideas will never see the light of day…

There is a popular theory that the ADHD gene has survived because it provided successful hunters all the attributes (hyperawareness, rapid attention shift, etc…) to ensure the survival of the clan or tribe. And I don’t know if we tell ourselves this to feel better, but it sure is hell working for farmer/gatherers.