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Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?

Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?2011-01-04T08:35:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?


Post count: 14413

Everyone spending time on this page seeks solace from a fellow “goof” (the name I give myself quite often inside my head while recapping the day’s events) if they are like me have no less than hundreds upon hundreds of stories that range from terrifyingly shameful to horribly stupid sprinkled amongst a few that are downright hysterical. Thank God that, given enough time, all my stories do mature into the last category…So, there I am at the Psych’s office trying to get a name for this problem I have with paying attention for any length of time. A minute or so goes by and the Dr. is just sitting there in his chair patiently waiting on me to figure out the answer and then say something to him. I realize I have just done it yet again (forget where I was in a conversation). After some thought, I finally give him my very best dumb look–you know–to earn some pity from the guy. Then I had to ask, so I did. I shamefully asked him if he would repeat the question…quickly adding that somehow I simply forgot what he asked. To my incredible surprise, I could truly see sincere pity overcome this man–I saw it in his eyes. I was so grateful for his show of humanity until I heard his next words…”Danny, I haven’t said a word to you in over five minutes.”