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Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?

Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?2011-01-16T02:09:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?


Post count: 14413

Yesterday when I went to my doctor to see about trying concerta (just diagnosed 2 months ago) I told her that I thought the resident that I had seen 4 weeks ago (when I asked to switch from welbutrin to ritilin) seemed a little awkward. First I will tell you that I am a physical therapist in the hospital and I work frequently with my doctor there (small town). I had never met the resident doctor. My doctor had told the resident before I had come in for my visit (as she new why I was coming in) that she was going to try to stick to the newer drugs and stay away from ritilin. So when I asked for ritilin, the resident questioned the doctor if I might be a drug dealer… my doctor just laughed and told her to go ahead and try the ritilin with me if I was requesting to try it… I got a good laugh out of that!