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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-17T16:12:36+00:00

Post count: 529

No Dopamine – Oh my! You are right! I never thought about that! I took 15mg of Dexedrine which was too much. I had heart palpitations, had butterflies in my stomach the entire time, was very irritable to sounds, and after the 5hours a pounding headache and was depressed. Thats why I didnt take more and then self medicated. Yesterday I didnt take any meds at all. My self med was sleep. Today I am taking 10mg like I always have. The psychiatrist said I could go up to 15mg, thats why I tried it… But I dont think I will. I didnt do my week without meds like I wanted. I found it was too crazy. I felt horrible because I couldnt keep track of a conversation I was having with my aunt. I lost my train of thought several times… That hasnt happened in a long time and always makes me feel so dumb.

On meds it is! I dont know why im fighting them. I guess they work too well so I think “ah who needs them! I dont have ADD, im doing just fine!” Perhaps I am still in denial… I really think I am. I dont know why its so hard for to to comprehend that “I” have ADD. The diagnosis just was so… easy? Well I had to fill out a million questionnaires, wait months to get into the psychiatrist who then gave me the diagnosis. I was humoring the idea since a friend with ADD thought I had it for sure because of my struggles in college among many other signs and symptoms. Anyways… Im rambling on here. We need to have blogs or something on here. That would help to get rid of a lot of the random ramblings.

So we are all ready to go into town to get groceries. I forgot that we were suppose to go see some family we havent seen in 2 years which im very excited for. Off to get groceries.. I WILL take my meds ALL day today and wont slack! When we get home, put groceries away, then head to family, then come back and finish cleaning. I just need to sweep everything up!