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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-20T11:07:55+00:00

Post count: 14413

Yeah…I still haven’t done anything about the last three shelving units…or really finished anything I had on my list. I feel like I have spent the day just rearranging the mess (and it looks like it too!!). I have thrown out so much paperwork and stuff but can’t see much of a difference, and have only ended up spreading the mess as I upended boxes of crap everywhere. I start one task, like clearing off the dining table, then I hit a hard bit (ie “what the hell do I do with this?!”) and change tasks. So I have half finished tasks everywhere 🙄 I can see myself just piling the mess all back up again to get it out of the way.

In addition to rearranging my clutter, I folded and put away some of the towels and linen, tidied part of the dining table, and remembered my daughter’s swimming. I don’t know whether to feel a sense of accomplishment or not. I feel a little demoralised – it’s back to work for me tomorrow night and things just seem to keep piling up.