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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-25T20:08:23+00:00

Post count: 14413

That’s the funny thing about ADHD: we get to the solution so much quicker. It’s what makes it easy to see this as a “gift.” Until, of course, you misplace a decimal point or crash the server with a typo.

I have a similar problem with jumping to the end of a conversation without the pleasantries. My wife is building her business and she has these great ideas. I tend to listen and then go, “yeah, but a per person fee won’t work. You need a flat fee and then…” [Stares at me]. “What?!?” “Sorry, those are all wonderful ideas, and I’m very proud of you.”

Same thing when I say “where are you going,” instead of, “You like nice. I like that dress on you, and I noticed that you did your hair and makeup. You are clearly not staying in the house today. Could I ask, lovely wife of mine, where are you going?”

That beginning stuff is all understood. I just said it in my head.