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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-26T05:11:12+00:00

Post count: 14413

Well, I had an unplanned “do nothing” day today. A friend asked me to pop by, as she was feeling crappy and wanted someone to help keep her mind off things. Got home at lunch time, ate lunch, then was about to go out to do some shopping when I saw some paperwork I needed to deal with. Got one lot ready to post, so I could post it while out. Made a phone call about another letter, and am now waiting for a call back. Hmmmm. I get all antsy when I am waiting for a return call. I can’t get into doing anything. I pace. I fidget. I HATE IT!! So I am here, killing time while I wait. Betcha he calls back the moment my butt hits the toilet seat, after I have waited till I am bursting to go!!