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Re: Girls

Re: Girls2011-03-15T15:38:40+00:00

Post count: 51

Marriage problems with my ADHD mind.

I have a wonderfull wife yet we almost got divorced due to the undiagnosed ADHD. Micro focus can lead to inattention.-hyper-focus.preaching-.depression and anxiety on my part. My obsession with finances became my world. I would watch the economic progras-the banks etc…….. I sat in a chair for 3 years day in day out worried about everything and how I would survive the future. We stopped communicating. -depression.

My wife and I went to a marriage counceler.

Her major comnplaint–addiction to Worlds of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft became my stress release. I could play the game 18 hours a day. I received instant gratification. I forgot my problems. It was a moment of peace, the only peace I had. I could not believe my wife wanted to give up the only stress relief I had.

So the choice – Stress relief or marriage. I was ready for the stress release and the single life.

The major complaint–I had no interest in anything but the game- The house needed maintenance. It didn’t seem I cared. for her. etc…..the “WE was gone.

The counceler said my brain was just wired differently. Boy was she right on that.

Luckily my caught a part of ADDand loving it. She sugested I tape the program so we could both watch it together. We discussed it and I went to a psychiatris to be checked.

With the diagnosis and medicine everything has chainged

The program has saved my marriage. I now say thank you to my wife for putting up with me all those years

The marriage relationship was restored because she now understood my handicaped. mind I din’t ignore her I never heard her.. If I was not interested my mind drifted of into my own world. I was incapable of sitting and listening.

The medications have helped me. I no longer need the TV on in the background and I enjoy just sitting and talking to my wife. I ask her how her day went. I can listen without interupting. And we laugh when the ADHD screws me up.

Of the many joys and sorrows we both talk how the ADHD has hurt my relatonship with my own children. Dad was distant., Dad preached, , Al I wanted with DAD was a conversation. Dad would never let me explain. Dad only sees things his way. Dad is not realy interested in me. The water has passed over the dam They are in the 30’s and forties.

So many missed opportunities as I worked in my roomby myself trying to improve the design a metal detector from scratch.

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