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Re: GOOD DIET THE add DIET PLAN2012-02-09T14:58:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments GOOD DIET THE add DIET PLAN Re: GOOD DIET THE add DIET PLAN


Post count: 18

I am still really new to this, but I have definitely got the message that medicine alone will not get me fit for fight. Started Ritalin for the first time yesterday – felt awake all day, then was exhausted as it wore off at 8pm. Went to bed but couldn’t sleep till 4am. Alarm woke me at 8 am for next dose, took it, then had a wonderful 2 hour nap which left me feeling really refreshed for the first time I can remember.

I am coming from the experience that diet and structured days worked very well for me, but after a year I found that unsustainable, so am now trying meds and hoping it will support me for a bigger life in several ways. I don’t think I can try harder and psychologise myself out of all the dead ends in my life up to now, though it has taken me 6 months to get to the point of trying medicine- I agree with a minimalist no drugs approach in theory. It seemed like the time had come to try getting a little help from outside.