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Re: I can't focus enough to read all these other topics, so I'll start my own.

Re: I can't focus enough to read all these other topics, so I'll start my own.2012-05-28T11:33:13+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Have a Diagnosis, Now What? I can't focus enough to read all these other topics, so I'll start my own. Re: I can't focus enough to read all these other topics, so I'll start my own.


Post count: 14413

Me too Robbo. Some of my friends and family don’t really understand. It’s not that they say they don’t believe me, it’s more the blank stare, not knowing what to say or not discouraging discussion about it when I bring it up. I think there’s a lot of misconceptions about ADHD in general and Adult ADHD in particular and I can’t really blame people because I had the same wrong ideas before I delved into it.

I don’t let it worry me though. I can see that mostly my life has improved a lot since learning more about ADHD (and doing things to counter act the bad bits about it). The medication has helped me a lot with focus and productivity. I don’t feel overwhelmed anymore and I’m finding my confidence is growing because I’m actually finishing things – mind you I’ve lost about 5kg (1 dress size) due to meds and increased exercise (part of my 5 part ADHD program), so that’s making me feel pretty good too :D and I’m applying for jobs that I wouldn’t have dreamed of before because of fear of failure. Now I have a big ‘I can do it’! attitude. I’ve only been on meds for about 6 weeks, but so far so good…except impulse control…still can’t keep out of the shops :D

That’s why I really hope people who think they have ADHD get help. Do the research then fight for your right to get diagnosed so you know what your dealing with and then get help to put in place strategies to get the most out of the rest of your life.