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Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator

Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator2011-01-02T19:50:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny I Stood on a Stopped Escalator Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator


Post count: 173

I once got my school lace caught in the bottom of a “Movator”, (which is like an escalator only it’s a ramp) at the local Wal-Mart. Coming down the Movator behind me, were people with shopping carts, and I couldn’t get out of the way. They started trying to back up the ramp, but there were more people behind them. It felt like being in front of the giant boulder from Raiders of the Lost Ark or something. I looked around and saw the emergency stop button, but I couldn’t reach it.

I managed to get my lace free, just before the cart ran into me.

Afterwards I was left wondering. “Why didn’t I just take my shoe off?” :D