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Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator

Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator2011-01-04T03:18:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny I Stood on a Stopped Escalator Re: I Stood on a Stopped Escalator


Post count: 14413

I’ve been diagnosed 2 xs my life with this. Never got around to doing anything about it. First time in the 60s Doc told my parents I had a nurilogical disorder and would probably grow out of it. LOL Worst time was 10yrs ago returning a U-haul trailer. Went around the block seven times before I finally didnt pass up the driveway for the business. They were mile long blocks and I had to turn the radio off saying ” I WONT MISS IT THIS TIME!!!!!” Everytime I went by, i’d say I wont miss it this time. 8th time I made it but i’ll never forget it.