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Re: I wonder what percentage of folks with add/adhd are left handed?

Re: I wonder what percentage of folks with add/adhd are left handed?2011-10-19T23:46:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I wonder what percentage of folks with add/adhd are left handed? Re: I wonder what percentage of folks with add/adhd are left handed?


Post count: 929

Right on! I think maybe I’ll start feeling like I fit in here. I could relate to most of the ambidextrous folks the most. It pissed me off when I go to the music store. Why such a small selection of left handed guitars? Many left handers are forced to learn to do many things right handed. A radial arm saw absolutely gives me the creeps. The big giant ones at home depot. What if the person who changed the blade before you worked on it didn’t tighten down the nut enough? If that 12 inch blade came loose it would go right fREAKin through a lefty standing right in front of the thing. I was at a home depot a month ago getting some oak to make a new cutting board, the dude who cut it for me stood right in front of that blade as it was spinning so fast you could hear the wind! ACK!! horror nightmare creepville!!! LOL. When I was a carpenter I think I should have named myself “lucky” until I finally got injured. Us lefty’s need to be extra careful with right handed tools, huh? I would have hit more home runs if the coach had the brains to ask me to try batting left handed. That’s a fact. Thanks for letting me vent.


P.S. Why are scary movies so dang funny?