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Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!

Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!2010-04-22T09:07:16+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Bend The Workplace To You I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was! Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!


Post count: 14413

My suggestion is to look for something fast paced and varied. I think I have scored the perfect ADHD job, I work as an ambulance communications officer. I answer 911 calls and dispatch ambulances. I did it for 7 years unmedicated and for 3 years diagnosed and medicated. While unmedicated it was a little more challenging (especially when call volume was low) but for the most part, the job is perfect for the ADHD mind. Never the same day twice, need to make quick decisions, need to think creatively to solve problems and when there is downtime you are allowed to read, or do puzzles, or work on special projects, so you can always keep occupied and busy. I absolutely love my job and I am so happy that I found something that my crazy million mile an hour brain is good at. I have noticed that many of my more successful co-workers have definite ADHD tendencies.