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Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!

Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!2010-08-17T16:19:53+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Bend The Workplace To You I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was! Re: I'd be AMAZING at that! If only I knew what THAT was!


Post count: 14413

An ADD’er, or at least this one would be a dangerous lotto winner… Some of my current interests I want to have are cnc machines and robotics, machining, welding guitar playing and making, sailing, farming, “home made power”, inventing, my Star Trek,and computer gaming to name a few lol… Work and lack of resources are the main blocks… I’d end up with a piece of land that’s fenced off for public safety, and a workshop complex and it’s own fire truck and medevac pad hahaha

Let’s not even mention the heavy equipment play ground ;)